
According to WordPress, last week’s post was my 12th on My Wordy Journey.

The number alone doesn’t sound terribly remarkable, does it? But published at a rate of one a week, that’s 12 weeks…

… and 12 weeks is pretty much 3 months…

… and 3 months is a quarter of an entire year.


I have to admit, it caught me off guard a little. It shouldn’t have done, really – after all, the number’s been going up every week – but it did. And it got me thinking about how much progress I’ve actually made with my writing since I starting this blog.

The truth?

Not enough. Some, yes, but not enough.

So I’ve decided to take a step back. I’m not going completely – I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience, not least getting to meet some fellow bloggers – but sometimes you’ve got to prioritise, and over the past few weeks I’ve been struggling to keep everything going. I’ve ended up working on blog posts instead of working on my novel – which is exactly what I didn’t want to happen. So for the next little while, my updates are going to be slightly less frequent. I’m still planning to post at least once a month, hopefully once a fortnight (and more often if I can), but I won’t have a post going up every week as I’ve had so far. I didn’t want to have to do it, but time just doesn’t seem to be on my side at the moment and if I want to meet my deadline, I need to put my book first.

Anyway, it may only be a small change, but I wanted to let my followers know. I’m chuffed to bits to have had so many people reading/sharing/commenting on my blog these past few months, and it seemed only polite. I’ll definitely be back though; My Wordy Journey’s not over yet.


CC Image courtesy of Pete on Flickr